Free Live Music Concerts in Los Angeles at Record Surplus

You will have a blast at free live music concerts at Record Surplus in Los Angeles! Sign up now to get invitations to our upcoming free live music concerts, big sales and cool give-aways! Click Here. Check out our YouTube Channel to see a few of the awesome bands who have performed live here at Record Surplus: The Muffs Peter Case George Tomsco of The Fireballs The Kingbees California Feetwarmers…


3 Balls of Fire – Free Performance at Record Surplus

Catch the high octane instrumental rock and surf music of 3 Balls of Fire, a.k.a. “The Men with the Burning Guitars”. The Austin/L.A. based band features an impressive lineup, with Burnin’ Mike Vernon on guitar, Dusty Watson (Dick Dale, The Sonics) on drums, Nelson Bragg (Brian Wilson Band) on congas and percussion, and Dave Provost (Dale Hawkins, Davie Allan) on bass. Get more info on our Facebook Event Page